HomHomeewoHomework (2025)

Our grader for the class is Chenzi Jin (cjin123@terpmail.umd.edu)

All homework refers to the textbook unless otherwise stated.

Homework 1 (Due 2/6):

1.1: 4,  12.  

1.2: 3, 6, 12

Homework 2 (Due 2/13)

1.3: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9

Homework 3 (Due 2/20)

1.4: 1, 2 (As a hint for 2a: you can use the fact that the only nonempty set of a connected set that is both open and closed is the entire set.), 5, 6, 8  

Homework 4 (Due 2/27)

1.4: 7
1.5: 1, 2, 4, 7

Homework 5 (Due 3/6)

1.6: 1 (Hint: You can use 1.1 #18 without proving it), 2, 5, 7

1.7: 1, 4 (Hint: You can use the fact that the rational numbers are countable, i.e. in bijection with the natural numbers)

Homework 6 (Due 3/13)

1.8 1, 2

Study for the midterm